Portland Taiko 30th Anniversary: Social Media Graphics, Postcard, Poster and Program
For their 30th anniversary, Portland Taiko held a discussion with key stakeholders about their past, present and future. There were celebrating a return to post-COVID indoor performances; new artistic director Tiffany Tamaribuchi; new and updated compositions; new drums; and a new path forward. The idea of a fresh start became the theme for the anniversary: Renaissance.
Along with the commemorative logo, Portland Taiko promoted their fall concert with a design based on a celebratory image used on social media, USPS-mailed postcards, and posters. The design was also used for the concert program covers. Since each format had a different shape and proportion, the basic design needed to work when oriented vertically or horizontally. Photography: Rich Iwasaki
Below 8.5 x 11 poster (left) and 9" x 6" postcard (right)
Above: Facebook image at full width for horizontal devices (left), and as seen on phone (right)
Apps such as Facebook and Eventbrite would crop the sides of a horizontal image when it was viewed on a vertically-held device. This necessitated keeping the critical text in the center of the layout, so the details could be read with any device and orientation.
Below: The program cover and opening spread