Abernethy Community Playground Fundraiser Logo and Collateral
It takes a village to replace aging and unsafe playground equipment. A group of neighbors and parents formed a committee to renovate the playground, which is also utilized as a meeting space and serves the community beyond the school population. To assist with fundraising, a logo was commissioned for use on various promotional materials.
The criteria presented were plentiful and varied, as each committee member brought their own passion and vision to the project. Their ideas were winnowed down to include: tying in the neighborhood elements (namely, an unusual street grid and four historical rose gardens); connecting with the community; and having fun.

At the first presentation, the group overwhelmingly and immediately approved one direction. The logo recognizes the intersection of the school and community members who use the playground area, as well as the unique street layout. Further refinements were limited to simplifying the secondary typeface.
For the letterhead, the masthead lockup was created and placed into a Microsoft Word doc, so various committee members could write appeals, acknowledgements and press releases with a consistent look. To keep costs down, a rubber stamp was created for the envelopes.

Other pieces included a donor level benefit brochure, remittance envelopes, flyers, and posters for local businesses to post when they were having fundraising events.

Finally, after many years of planning, drawing, discussing, coordinating, fundraising, and installing--all by volunteers--the villagers completed the playground.
